Collaborative Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Research in the Severn Deanery
We are currently looking for trainee leads to get involved with SWAM (SW pAediatric Mri).
The SWAM project is a multi-region collaborative service evaluation aimed at better understanding variation in practice and identifying opportunities to develop care pathways in anaesthetic care for paediatric patients undergoing MRI.
This project is supported by the Optimising MRI Pathways for Children Working Group which is run collaboratively by the SW SIC ODN and South Paediatric Neurosciences ODN.
Local leads would be responsible for data collection at their site, this may something that can be done by individuals or by assembling a team of trainees. It is anticipated that this will be retrospective data collection. Local consultant leads (being finalised) and the core study team will support trainee leads throughout the project. All those involved with receive appropriate recognition.
If you are interested in being involved, or have any questions, please contact and study lead Katie Foy (