Collaborative Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Research in the Severn Deanery


The Severn Trainee Anaesthetic Research (STAR) Group Annual Confence
North Bristol NHS Trust - Learning and Development Centre
Tuesday 28th February 2023
​The Severn Trainee Anaesthetic Research Group (STAR) are pleased to announce the STAR 4th Annual Research Conference. Open to trainees of all grades, this will be an exciting day of talks from national experts at the forefront of anaesthetic research. The day also allows sign off of the mandatory Research and Managing Data of the Generic Professional Domain in the 2021 Curriculum.
Book your tickets now for this exciting free event, which will feature a program of internationally renowned speakers and opportunities to present your research along with winning support (and a prize) for your project idea! This event has been registered for CPD points (pending).
Pop the date in your diary and make sure you request study leave. Book your ticket by clicking our eventbrite link ->

Have you carried out an audit, quality improvement, or research project? Want to present it at a regional conference? Submit your abstract (no more than 400 words) to - DEADLINE now extended Friday 10th February.
Do you have a great idea for a research or QI project? Want to see it carried out on a regional scale? Submit your proposal to - DEADLINE now extended Friday 10th February. The top 3 proposals will be invited to present at the Conference, with the winning proposal chosen as our next big project.
Conducting Large Clinical Trials
Ben Gibbison, Associate Professor in Cardiac Anaesthesia and Intensive Care. BRI
Dr Ben Gibbison is a Consultant in Cardiac Anaesthesia and Intensive Care at University Hospitals Bristol; an associate Professor at the University of Bristol and an associate editor for Anaesthesia.
His research work includes looking at the effects of the stress hormone cortisol on patients who have just had heart surgeries. He has a range of research experience, leading The GAP Study as well as integral roles in the Prompt2, CO-TWO trials. In this talk, he discusses the practicalities of conducting large clinical trials.
Global surgical research
Ben Martin, Paediatric surgery trainee, Bristol Children's Hospital
Ben Martin is a paediatric surgery trainee interested in how we as a community can help serve children in need of surgical care on a global scale through teaching, capacity building, and implementation research. I will be sharing on what the global surgical research environment looks like at the moment and how to be involved.
Research nurse perspectives
Katie Sweet, Senior ICU/Anaesthetic Research Sister, BRI
Katie has been a senior research Sister for ICU and anaesthesia for 9 years at the BRI. She leads on the delivery of multiple large scale clinical trials. She has significant research experience being a PI and is currently PI for UK-ROX an ICU trial. Her presentation will be on how she has developed the team to date to day of the life of a research nurse.
Academic ICM
Mike Ambler , Critical Care Trainee UHBW, Clinical lecturer at Univeristy of Bristol
Mike Ambler is a clinical lecturer for the University of Bristol and a critical care consultant at the BRI. His interests include the function and dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system during critical illness and how we might modulate this in order to improve outcomes. In his lecture, he talks a bit about his life as a post-doctoral researcher in a critical care environment and his current work on torpor-like states.
Cardiac Surgery
Massimo Caputo, Professor of Congenital Heart Surgery University of Bristol
Mr Caputo is a British Heart Foundation Professor of Congenital Cardiac Surgery at the University of Bristol. In 2017 he was given the British Heart Foundation Chair in Congenital Heart Disease. He performs on average over 200 complex major cardiac procedures per year with a 30-day mortality rates below 2% and has been responsible for setting up congenital cardiac surgery units in several developing countries
In his talk he discussed an overview of the last 10 year translational research projects in congenital heart disease at the BHI
Critical care transfer: developing Retrieve
Dr Scott Grier, Consultant in Intensive Care Medicine & Lead Consultant for the Retrieve Adult Critical Care Transfer Service
Dr Scott Grier is a Consultant in Intensive Care Medicine at Southmead. He has a strong interest in the transfer of critically ill patients and is both the Lead Consultant for Retrieve and National Critical Care Transfer Lead for NHS England.
In this presentation, he talks about critical care transfer and the development of Retrieve including the lessons learned during the pandemic, how data and research have been used to drive the development of dedicated transfer services and the future directions of the service.
The programme will also include an update on PREDS from our very own STAR team
and our very own poster and project pitch prizes