Event: STAR Annual Research Congress 14 June 2019
We're excited to announce the STAR 2nd Annual Research Congress will take place on 14th June 2019 at North Bristol Trust. Admission is FREE!
This exciting event is open to trainees of all grades, and allows sign off of the mandatory research section of Annex G.
To reserve your place and sign up visit:
Programme Highlights
Research updates:
Landmark papers of the year
Trauma/prehospital trials
Career guidance:
Developing a research career
How to get published
RAFT and trainee research networks
National experts and external speakers including: Prof Jas Soar, Prof Tim Cook, Prof Jerry Nolan, Dr Julian Thompson, Prof Tony Pickering, PQIP National team, RAFT National team
STAR Project Pitch 2019
Do you have a great idea for a research or QI project? Want to see it carried out on a regional scale? Submit your proposal (<500 words) to stargroupresearch@gmail.com - DEADLINE 1st June. The top 3 proposals will be invited to present at the Congress, with the winning proposal chosen as our next big project.