Welcome to our new committee members
STAR would like to welcome and introduce our newest committee members

Vice Chair (Anaes.): Helen Williams
As Vice Chair (Anaesthesia), Helen coordinates the Group’s involvement in National/International anaesthesia projects. Helen also serves as STAR's liaison to the Research & Audit Federation of Trainees (RAFT).

STAR Fellow: Tom Clements
Tom is the current STAR Fellow based at Southmead Hospital. He qualified from Bristol in 2014 and completed his Core Anaesthesia in Wessex, followed by a Fellowship in Paediatric Intensive Care Medicine. Academic interests include cardiovascular physiology, paediatrics and clinical simulation.

Events Lead: Suzie Harrogate
Suzanne is an ACCS anaesthetics trainee currently working at Southmead Hospital. She moved to Bristol in 2018 after training in Oxford and London. She is a proud, if somewhat undercover, Geordie who loves Sci-Fi and open-water swimming

Local Lead Liaison: Sethina Watson
Sethina is a former STAR Research Clinical Fellow and local lead based at Southmead Hospital. She has worked as Trainee Lead for FLO-ELA, undertaken work as part of the GALORE trial and set up a research collaboration within NBT. Sethina is also active in QI and is a member of the Q Community. She started her anaesthetics training in Wales, moving to Severn in 2017. Her home life is very busy with four children and married to Paul Watson. Keen drinker of tea when she has the time!
Secretary: Aravind Ramesh

Aravind is an NIHR Academic Clinical Fellow training in Intensive Care Medicine. He moved to Bristol in 2017 having completed CMT in Newcastle upon Tyne. He has developed and is running an NIHR portfolio study investigating HPA axis function post brain injury, and is involved with other portfolio studies at NBT. When not working, he can be found running, cycling, watching wildlife or drowning his sorrows following Newcastle United