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RAFT 2023: Perioperative Blood Management

STAR are proud to support RAFT's 2023 project in Perioperative Blood Management

Launching in January 2023 this is a collaborative project between RAFT and the NIHR BTRU (Blood Transfusion Research Unit) in Data Driven Transfusion Practice. This will include a organisational survey and a survey of individual anaesthetists' practice. We aim to understand how local sites are set up to deliver and evaluate perioperative blood management services and assess individuals attitudes and practice.


This project focuses on organisational structure and variation of practice in regards to perioperative blood management of adults (>18 years). We want to work towards getting a clear picture on what is happening across different hospitals in the UK. This project is designed to be something that is easy and not time consuming, whilst allowing collaborators to increase their experience and achieve key curriculum goals. It will involve an organisational survey along with a survey for individual anaesthetists on their experience and practice in common clinical scenarios. We hope this will not only answer some interesting questions but also identify some key areas for quality improvement.



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