STAR 3rd Annual Research Conference
The Severn Trainee Anaesthetic Research Collaborate (STAR) are pleased to announce their 3nd Annual Research Conference, an exciting day of talks from national experts at the forefront of anaesthetic research.
Programme Highlights: research updates, career guidance, abstract presentations and STAR Project Pitch
Date: Tuesday 22nd February 2022 Venue: North Bristol NHS TrustCost: FREE!
Scan the QR code at the bottom of the page, or follow the link to sign up:
Book early to guarantee a space in person due to C-19 restrictions. The Conference will be being live streamed for virtual attendance.
Call for Abstracts Have you carried out an audit or research project? Want to present it at a regional conference? Submit your abstract (400 words) to -
DEADLINE Monday 3rd January.
STAR Project Pitch 2022
Do you have a great idea for a research or QI project? Want to see it carried out on a regional scale? Submit your proposal (400 words) to
- DEADLINE Monday 3rd January. The top 3 proposals will be invited to present, with the chance to be chosen as our next big project.
