Collaborative Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Research in the Severn Deanery
Useful Links for STAR Members
On this page we have compiled some useful links to resources and societies to help our members get involved with high-quality audit, research, and quality improvement projects in their local departments.
Good Clinical Practice (GCP) training is a prerequisite for anyone engaged in healthcare research: we strongly recommend our members to stay up-to-date with their certification using the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) eLearning portal, free to acces for anyone with an NHS or academic institution email. More information about GCP can be found on the NIAA website.
RAFT: Research & Audit Federation of Trainee
The umbrella organisation for the UK's regional Trainee Research Networks (TRNs), RAFT strive to improve access to research and promote the collaborative model of 'Team UK Anaesthesia' through annual national trainee-led projects and general support for the TRNs.
NIAA: National Institute of Academic Anaesthesia
The NIAA was founded in 2008 to facilitate high profile, influential research in anaesthesia and related specialties, whilst facilitating and supporting training and continuing professional education in academia for Anaesthetists.
POM-CTN: Preoperative Medicine Clinical Trials Network
The UK POM-CTN exists to create an environment which allows everyone with an interest in perioperative care to make a meaningful but realistic contribution to clinical trials and observational studies into preoperative patient care.
NIHR: National Institute for Health Research
The NIHR is funded through the Department of Health to improve the health and wealth of the nation through research. Since its establishment in 2006, this organisation has sought to develop and support the people who conduct and contribute to applied health research.
SEVERN.ICU: ICM Website for the Severn Deanery
This Denaery now has it's own trainee managed website where you can find out about educational opportunities, study days, recommended courses, applications and more.